Size Is Not Everything

January 23, 2018 Investments

Drewry’s new global container port connectivity index shows that sometimes, smaller ports can equal or better the liner connectivity of larger ones.

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Container Shipping Has Seen Big Changes Since Summer of 2016

December 10, 2017 Containerization

The container shipping industry has seen a major change since the summer of 2016. In 2017, new shipping alliances began to mobilize. The 2M Alliance (plus HMM), THE Alliance, and the Ocean Alliance are well-established. Cosco and CSCL have merged into one liner, Zim has shrunk to regional carrier status, and three Japanese lines merged into the Ocean Network Express (ONE).

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Three steps to setting achievable investing goals

December 3, 2017 Investments

The most important thing to investors is reaching their investing goals. Above all else, this is their motivation for choosing investments to buy and sell. For many, these goals provide a roadmap to financial success. Without them, and a well-thought-out plan for meeting goals, investors are unlikely to end up where they want to be …

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Loaded Container Shipments And Profits Reach Record Levels

November 27, 2017 Containerization

So far, this year (2017) has been one of recovery for the container shipping industry. According to, loaded container shipments will reach record levels in 2017, and profitability will soar above that of 2016. The third quarter of 2017 showed an increase in the number of containers being shipped on the world’s major trade …

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China’s digital economy improving efficiency, adding value

November 20, 2017 Investments

New areas of the digital economy, including the Internet of Things, virtual currencies, financial technology, artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, and big data are expanding rapidly in China. Leading Chinese technology companies like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent, are at the forefront of innovation and are lending credibility to the notion that the digital economy will soon …

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Alternative Investments Offer Freedom From Stock, Bond Worries

November 13, 2017 Investments

With thoughts of the Global Financial Crisis still fresh in their minds, investors are fearing a correction in the U.S. stock market, uncertainty with interest rates, and rising inflation. To avoid exposure to these struggling markets and negative influences, the investment community is embracing new, alternative opportunities – like shipping container investing. In doing so, they are enjoying freedom from the worries of the stock and bond markets.

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U.S Will Have To Keep Domestic Economy Turning On Its Own

November 6, 2017 Investments

The longer Donald Trump remains the President of the United States, the more damage will be done to the American economy and the American people. At this point in his Presidency, he has ordered a retreat from important trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In the eyes of other world leaders, this signifies the start of an era of protectionism and the end of U.S. economic dominance.

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Financial Advisers Rarely Tell You To Sell Bonds Or Stocks

October 30, 2017 Investments

The finance industry works very hard to get you into financial products – like stocks and bonds, so they will rarely (if ever) tell you to get out of the bond or stock market. The decision to sell has to be yours and yours alone.

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When Choosing Investments We All Consider Risk And Return

October 23, 2017 Investments

When choosing investments, expect that every opportunity will be subject to heavy scrutiny. Be prepared to weigh the benefits of investing opportunities on an individual basis, based on your personal risk tolerance and hunger for returns. These two principles will guide your decisions and give you the confidence you need to make an investment.

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Container Shipping Industry Was Challenged Over Last Decade

October 16, 2017 Containerization

Over the last decade, amid included overcapacity concerns, historically low freight rates, and falling consumer demand, the container shipping industry has proven its resilience and demonstrated to investors that it can still perform well in adverse economic conditions. This makes it an ideal investment option for investors seeking a low risk, high return alternative to risky traditional investments.

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