Investor Alert Issue 35

March 8, 2018 Investor Alert

It has been a strong start to the year in the global shipping sector. Following a strong 2017, many hub ports, from Doha to Rotterdam have begun the new year with an upsurge in traffic. Stay up to date with the latest news in this month’s Investor Alert.

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Investor Alert Issue 34

February 14, 2018 Investor Alert

2018 is set to be another dynamic year for shipping and international trade. Many countries and organisations have sought to improve access through various trade deals. Make sure you are up to date and ready for the year ahead with the latest news in this month’s Investor Alert.

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Investor Alert Issue 31

September 28, 2017 Investor Alert

It has been another busy month in the global shipping sector, in particular with high activity within Asia and China. With a number of large-scale projects underway, and various trade deals developing, momentum in global trade is set to continue. Stay up to date with the latest news and insights in global shipping in this month’s Investor Alert.

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Investor Alert Issue 30

August 28, 2017 Investor Alert

It has been a busy month for global trade, with various trade deals and developments being confirmed around the world. As the shipping sector continues to be buoyed by international trade activity, this month’s Investor Alert will up to date you with the latest developments in global transport and trade.

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Investor Alert Issue 29

July 22, 2017 Investor Alert

It has been a busy few months for the transport industry across China, with strong expansion in global trade helping boost the world’s largest exporting nation. Underpinned by comprehensive investment and openness to globalisation, the Chinese transport sector is booming. This month’s Investor Alert will keep you up to speed with the latest developments.

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Investor Alert Issue 28

June 22, 2017 Investor Alert

Once again, it has been a busy month across the planet for the transport sector. With major trading economies picking up speed, and demand for goods continuing to grow, the cargo industry is benefitting. Key developments across the world mean this momentum is set to remain strong – in this issue of “Investor Alert”, we will keep you up to date with the latest stories in investment, trade and transport.

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Investor Alert Issue 27

May 22, 2017 Investor Alert

In an industrious week for the busy transport sector across Asia, many key players and growing economies are aiming to capitalise on increasing demand and prepare for future opportunities. A wide range of recent developments in the sector have aimed to build on momentum in continental and global trade. As always, we aim to keep you informed with the latest news in investment, trade and transport in this Investor Alert.

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Investor Alert Issue 26

April 22, 2017 Investor Alert

With a number of high-profile developments in progress, it has been a busy week for the European transport sector. With export markets picking up pace, recent investments aim to build on momentum across the continent and promote further trade. In this Investor Alert, we aim to keep you up to date with the latest news in transport and trade across the continent.

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Investor Alert Issue 25

March 22, 2017 Investor Alert

With a raft of high-profile deals and varied investments across the region, it has been an industrious week for the Middle Eastern transport sector. Such policies seek to further the region’s growing prominence in the transport industry and pave the way for growth. In this Investor Alert, we cover the latest, most promising developments in the sector.

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Investor Alert Issue 24

February 22, 2017 Investor Alert

It has been another busy week in the Chinese transport industry, as the country looks to build momentum in the sector in 2017. Targeting growth and expansion of key supply chains, both railway and shipping will be beneficiaries of forward-facing projects, which will spur growth internationally.

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