Brexit, Interest Rates And Trump – How Does It Affect Trade?

Brexit, Interest Rates and Trump – What’s Next? It has been a turbulent year on the world stage. We have seen a sea of change in global politics – the UK’s Brexit vote, Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. Presidential election and the resignation of Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi after his defeat in a …

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A US $100 billion Project To Connect Trade Between China And EU

Chinese president Xi Jinping has pledged to invest Rmb840bn (US$124bn) in One Belt One Road (OBOR) projects to build ports, roads, rail and industrial facilities connecting China to Europe.

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Where Would Investors Invest To Earn Income For Retirement?

May 19, 2017 Investments, Leasing, Trading

As investors move closer to retirement, they begin to reflect deeply on the investments they have made, and the money they have earned. The focus for most at this point is to supplement their modest monthly income, while they are retired. Among the leading choices for investment income are dividends, interest payments, and business revenues.

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Hard Assets Make Gains in The Face of Economic Uncertainty

April 26, 2017 Investments

There is an old saying, “You have to see it to believe it.” This is the strongest argument for an investment in hard assets. The appeal for many investors is that hard assets can be seen and touched, making them tangible and somehow safer to invest in. The four hard asset investments below have demonstrated …

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China, Saudi Arabia sign $65 billion in cooperation deals

March 17, 2017 Investments

The landmark agreement aims to boost joint efforts in fields including energy, investment, finance, culture and aerospace, part of Saudi Arabia’s drive to develop a growth strategy less dependent on oil.

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Chinese Railway Renovation as one the biggest construction of the time

March 2, 2017 Investments

There are promising signs that rapidly shifting global markets could bring considerable opportunities to China. With President Trump withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the the US increasingly turning its back on global trade, doors are opening for other key export markets, as the 11 remaining member states off the TPP search for a new key trading partner.

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